Saturday, October 16, 2010

i mish talkinq to youh..

hey. moninq. this is obviously nort hym. and obviously its always hys little star updatinq for hym .hahs. he is such a lazy bum. yesterdae movie scary or nort. i watch half way then slip. haha. youh know wat i tink ur last sonq is for her. youh know right who. theres no need for me to tell youh. haha... i mish talkinq to youh. theres no joke. itz been two dae we did nort talk to each other. i hope todae night we cn talk to each other otp. im nort goinq to see youh until weds. wat a lonq period of time. and youh still havent qive me mr small. hah .. kay i got to go .. bye .. ill ask this boi to update hys bloq ..

lots of love;

hys little star

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